Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Week 10

As the spring weather warms up we are going to start planning to go out to fly. Since the setup for the Bramor was so crucial we spent this week running more dry runs setting it up. This time we had different members on equipment and ground control. Since I had done a lot of the setting up I decided to take a step back and let Evan set it up. I oversaw the whole operation of the setting up of the air-frame
Bramor on a level surface for sensor calibration.
Small amounts of rain can be seen on the air-frame
luckily the air-frame is waterproof.

The Getac is the main interface for the Bramor. Here
you can see us setting up landing. loiter, takeoff
and rally points.

Bramor set up outside. catapult rubbers on. At
this point the Bramor is still being setup. Notice
the top hatch still uncovered.
of the Bramor and the catapult. We took times again and tried to find more flaws in the setup. This time was different from the others because we were able to take it outside to complete more checklist items that involved GPS. When indoors, GPS cannot connect to the aircraft because of the interference. The buildings roof has more than enough interference to completely block all signals. When we went outside it was raining so we had to quickly acquire satellites then bring the Bramor under cover. We were able to acquire the minimum amount of satellites for a little while but it was short lived. The cover still blocked satellites, but we were able to complete most of the checklist. Including mission mapping, rally points, take off points, and landing points. We had never done this before so it helped out a lot. After we set it all up we tore it down and came up with a plan for Monday. Next Wednesday looks like great weather so we are planning to do an actual mission then. Monday will be prep work for Wednesday, which will include batteries being charged and parachutes packed.

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