Sunday, February 10, 2019

Week 5

During week 5, we had a dry run test for mission operation. What this consisted of is a theoretical mission that needed to be completed. As a team, we decided where the best location of our test site (West Lafayette Amphitheater) would be for a major flood. As a team, we chose what platform we would use, what day would be best suited, and how we would perform the mission. We picked out one of the shape files on our map then proceeded to choose a location where we would launch our aircraft. Since the mission would be to capture flooding, we would be utilizing an RBG camera with the highest resolution as possible. Which meant using the Bramor with its normal RBG camera. Theoretically before hand we would have video of the site area. Since we would have both, we would be able to compare the results before and after. We could also compare our results to the Tippecanoe GIS maps. The test run was a great idea and showed us a lot of could be flaws in our operation. We still need to work out minor flaws but the dry run was a success in showing us how we would do this operation if it came to be. 

During this week I also continued to pack parachutes for the Bramor. Since the parachute is the main method of landing for the Bramor, it is of paramount importance to get this up and running. Still waiting on the Bramor to create a checklist and its appropriate documents. 

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